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Freelance Faith Educator

Teresa Pirola Graduation Portraits July 2022. Photos by OS1_6884.jpg

About Me

I am a Sydney-based freelance writer and faith educator with a significant track-record in developing catechetical resources for grassroots Catholic audiences. I invite you to engage my skills as a thinker, writer and animator with many years’ experience in the field of Catholic faith formation. I am known for publications and pastoral strategies that distil the complexities of doctrine and theology into accessible formats for busy people in parishes, homes, classrooms.

I work closely with graphic designer Cyrilla Adelia Almeida (cdesigns).

For a seamless production process we can be contracted together as a team,

or contracted separately to suit your project needs.

Typing on a Laptop


Words that Work


Print and online resources tailored to your diocesan pastoral agenda.


Parish & School Resources

Advent and Lenten Programs. Sacramental Programs. Scriptural and Lectionary-Based Catechesis.

REC support.


Home-Based Spirituality

Jewish-Christian Relations

Family-friendly resources accentuating 'home as a holy place'. Gospel themes expressed through relational stories and home rituals.

Homiletic and teaching resources that promote a love for the Hebrew Scriptures and respect for the traditions of the Jewish people, in keeping with the teachings of the Second Vatican Council.

Ecclesial Insight. Creative Fidelity.

Intelligence with Heart.

Let's Talk

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Thank You


    © 2021 Teresa Pirola t/as The Story Source.

    Graphic design: cdesigns.

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